Hello, Beauty—
Does This Sound Familiar?

  • “I want to feel lighter - mind, body, and spirit”

  • “I love yoga, but feel overwhelmed or over-scheduled with all the demands of daily life…
    I don’t practice as much as I like to.”

  • “I’m tired of feeling sluggish and uninspired.”

  • “I know I am meant to do big things, I’m just in need of a little support right now.”

    Yes? Then I warmly invite you to:


Reset your diet and yoga practices in this three week program,
Online & In-Person.

This is all about you: rebooting, remembering, and reconnecting to your health and vitality by connecting to YOUR layers of body, mind, and spirit.

Through a guided 3 week ayurvedic cleanse, and LIVE yoga & meditation practices most days of the week, I will hold the container for you to get back on track.

You will receive an easy to follow pathway to feeling vibrant and soulful again. And, IT WORKS! This is the path that yogi’s have followed for thousands of years to feel a high vibratory state.

AND,  you will share your practice with a community of women, mutually committed to recommitting to a healthy way of being.



clear. Bright. RESILIENT.


Stoking the Fire 21 Day Spring Reset is for all women who feel the deep desire to reconnect to healthy practices and choices.

Spring is the perfect time to reboot your health and vitality: to come out of the sluggishness of winter into vibrant clarity. 

We all have experienced heavy emotions the past couple of years. The world is quickly changing. We need to lighten up on our own terms!

This is so much bigger than asana and eating well…

Recommit to your self-care, so you can be resilient in the world.


What to Expect

Ayurvedic Cleanse

You will be lead through a 3 week Ayurvedic cleanse. Each week is carefully planned, full of recipes and shopping lists, with extra herbs and supplements for you to take as an option.

Live Gatherings

We will meet live Sundays 4-6pm (on Zoom) for our 21 days together satsang style to have a meditation and check in about the cleaning process. There is lots of room for Q&A!

Live Yoga Classes

I will be offering live yoga classes 4 days a week (an over $225 value in itself!) for the duration of the cleanse. Most yoga classes can be attended in-person or over zoom.

Recorded Yoga Classes

Replays will be available for every class I teach during this cleanse.
You will also have access to my yoga library that features 10 classes designed for cleansing that were featured in the Conscious Cleanse, and recordings of my popular Embodied Mythic Series that brings the myths of yoga to life.

Meditation Toolkit

Meditation is also a very important aspect to this cleanse. I offer a 30 minute breathing practice and meditation at the end of every yoga class I teach, and will provide guided meditations in the course content that are available for you whenever you want!



I’ve trained and practiced extensively in yoga asana, philosophy, and meditation for the past 30 years. I’m a E-RYT 500 Hour YA instructor and have offered several yoga immersions, numerous teacher trainings, and have hosted retreats in wondrous places all over the globe. I am a Priestess of Neelakantha Meditation Practice — the most subtle and powerful practice for those seeking depth and transformation.

I’m drawn to Tantric Philosophy and devoted to understanding and experiencing the Goddess energy inside. When Kundalini awakening occurs, the potent energy from within transforms from the "inside out" by literally raising all vibration. Working with the gods and goddess of yoga through mythic lore, mudra, mantra and posture have become my signature offering.

I am the founder of Anjaneya Yoga Shala in Boulder. My vinyasa classes are rooted in meditation, bhakti chant, storytelling, mantra, mudra, meditation and the art of living a daily practice on and off the mat. 

I’m a wife and proud mother of two, and understand the demands of a daily householder life with serious commitment to a spiritual journey. By raising the vibration within, I believe healing and creativity will soar and planetary upliftment will increase.


TO stoke your inner fire?

WHEN: March 30th - April 20th, 2025
(Live Calls Sundays @4:30pmMT)


INVESTMENT: $279 regular (Early Bird Special Save 30%!! use code below before 3/15)

***Use promocode SPRINGRESET30 for 30% OFF***



and GET THE 21 DAY SPRING RESET included for FREE!

Jeanie’s deepest offering to date, a yearlong program of Sisterhood and support to awaken the Shakti in our daily lives.
Guided from within, deepen your connections, and live your next unique purpose
Includes ALL the Seasonal Sadhanas, unlimited yoga classes, and so much more…