Neelakantha Meditation Initiations
to Mar 8

Neelakantha Meditation Initiations

Neelakantha Meditation is easy to learn and practice, and is governed by the principle of effortlessness. It is a profound practice that works to bring about transformation, healing, and benevolence. This meditation practice is a householder path meant to enhance gifts, talents, relationships, work and all that we do in daily life!

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HARAMARA SPRING RETREAT 2025, in Sayulita, Mexico
to Mar 22

HARAMARA SPRING RETREAT 2025, in Sayulita, Mexico

Imagine a week in retreat immersed in the jungle and off the grid, where the spaciousness of the ocean tides creates an underlying rhythm to envision your highest expression! Our daily practice includes inspiring yoga, qi gong energetics and adventuring along trails to the sea. At night, we will gather for dream council and journeying under the stars. It is in this magical setting, we enter into a week long exploration of what it means to center into our ever expanding fields of awareness.

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"Stoking The Inner Fire" ~ 21 Day Spring Reset 2025! Ayurvedic Cleanse & Yogic Practice Reboot
to Apr 20

"Stoking The Inner Fire" ~ 21 Day Spring Reset 2025! Ayurvedic Cleanse & Yogic Practice Reboot

Collectively, we are in much need of a reset. Spring is the perfect time for a reboot, to shed our sluggishness, and reconnect to our healthy self! Join me for three weeks of yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic cleansing to feel exuberant in your body again.
>> Click here for all the details.

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Lakshmi Love: Spring Explosion Women’s Half-Day Yoga Retreat @ StarHouse
10:00 AM10:00

Lakshmi Love: Spring Explosion Women’s Half-Day Yoga Retreat @ StarHouse

Join us for a powerful half-day women’s retreat as we step into the lush energy of spring, awakening the essence of Lakshmi—the embodiment of Shri, the radiant force of beauty, abundance, fullness (Purna), and wholeness. Through yoga asana, chanting, mythology, mantra, and mudra, we will explore Lakshmi’s divine presence as well as her shadow aspect, Alakshmi—the insatiable feeling of lack that drives us to seek external validation through work, social media, and relationships.

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Crestone Summer Yoga & Meditation Retreat
to Aug 3

Crestone Summer Yoga & Meditation Retreat

Step into your Dharma; Claim your Life’s Path: A Journey through the Bhagavad Gita
Summer Yoga & Meditation Retreat
at the Mountain Zen Center Crestone, Colorado

Join Jeanie and an amazing community of women in the breathtaking stillness of Crestone, Colorado for a transformative retreat designed to help you release past pain and uncover the path to your authentic soul's purpose. Expect breathtaking mountain views, food prepared from the onsite organic garden, morning meditations, daily yoga asana, and spiritual practices.

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“Passion, Purpose, Destiny” ~ Half-Day Women's Retreat @ StarHouse
1:00 PM13:00

“Passion, Purpose, Destiny” ~ Half-Day Women's Retreat @ StarHouse

A half-day women’s retreat to ignite your purpose, release pain, and re-kindle your spirit.

Step into the transformative energy of Brigid, the Celtic Goddess of fire, healing, and inspiration, as we honor her sacred role as the flame keeper. Brigid’s fire sustains us through the in-between times—after the holidays have passed and before spring arrives—calling us to rekindle our passions, realign with our purpose, and reignite our longing to serve.

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Neelakantha Meditation Initiations
to Jan 5

Neelakantha Meditation Initiations

Neelakantha Meditation is easy to learn and practice, and is governed by the principle of effortlessness. It is a profound practice that works to bring about transformation, healing, and benevolence. This meditation practice is a householder path meant to enhance gifts, talents, relationships, work and all that we do in daily life!

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Celebrate Our Return to Light in Community with Jeanie Manchester & Alison Litchfield
6:00 PM18:00

Celebrate Our Return to Light in Community with Jeanie Manchester & Alison Litchfield

With full heart, Jeanie & Alison invite you to our 22nd Annual "Celebrate the Light" Gathering at the Starhouse, an evening to honor our journey and return to celebrating the beauty of the return of light! Including Yoga Asana, Restorative Practice, Sound Therapy, Chanting & Song, Storytelling & Dance, and Community Connection!

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A Day-Long Retreat ~ In-Person & Online
9:00 AM09:00

A Day-Long Retreat ~ In-Person & Online

Join Jeanie for a day of immersion into the depth and peaceful silence of this sacred season.

Do you find yourself getting caught up in the hustle and bustle, wishing you had more time to connect with yourself at this special time of year? Do you sometimes feel that the sacredness is lost in the list of to dos and expectations of the holidays? Join us as we take a day to turn inward, recharge on the deepest level, and touch the sense of sacred that we hold within ourselves.

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Winter's Wisdom Meditation Immersion + Day-Long Retreat
to Dec 21

Winter's Wisdom Meditation Immersion + Day-Long Retreat

A 21-Day Guided Meditation Immersion + Exploration of Sacred Silence
As the Winter season approaches, you are invited to approach and contemplate the ancient wisdom of yoga and meditation to connect with the potency of this special time of year.

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A Workshop: Menopause to "Regenopause"
10:00 AM10:00

A Workshop: Menopause to "Regenopause"

Embracing Change through Ayurveda, Meditation, and Yoga

Join us for an enriching 3-hour workshop that explores the transition from menopause to "Regenopause" through the holistic practices of Ayurveda, meditation, and yoga. This workshop is designed to address common challenges and symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause while empowering you to embrace this transformative phase of life.

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Diwali: A Celebration of the Light
5:30 PM17:30

Diwali: A Celebration of the Light

An evening of Asana, Mythology, Peace Ceremony & Meditation and chant

This Friday, join us in an evening of celebrating Diwali a celebration of the Light. As we move towards the Winter Solstice and shorter days and less light, we cultivate our light within through asana, pranayama, mythology, and chant. Asana 5:30 - 6:45pm.

Following Asana join us for a Sat Yuga Samkalpa Mandala Practice for World Peace and silent meditation (7 - 8pm). As we gather our benevolent intentions for our highest expression we weave together a powerful tapestry of light that we send forth into the UniversaL LIGHT Calling forth more peaceful and healing times for the world community.  As we move towards the US election early next week it's so important to gather in a space of LOVE.

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2024 Fall Shakti Sadhana!
to Oct 13

2024 Fall Shakti Sadhana!

A three-week online program to reset and realign your sense of purpose and presence.

Through goddess lore and yogic lifestyle practice, you will be guided in a deeply transformative process to integrate the living practice of yoga into your daily life, including goddess wisdom, ayurvedic cleanse, plus unlimited Free LIVE yoga classes throughout the weeks (in person or online) as well as online library access. Share your practice with a community of soulful women, mutually committed to deepening and reconnecting during this sacred time.

>>Click here for full details

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BLISS - Colorado Chant & Sacred Sound Festival
to Aug 11

BLISS - Colorado Chant & Sacred Sound Festival

A weaving of the ever ancient and ever new forms of Sacred Sound and Chant

A festival of local artists and wisdom keepers. A retreat for deep immersion and healing. A community event of heart and soul sharing

Jeanie will open on August 11 at 8am! Sat Yuga Samkalpa Mandala—-Fire Pit

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Retreat to Mythic Ithaca, Greece 2024!
to Jun 1

Retreat to Mythic Ithaca, Greece 2024!

Journey to the Ancient Land of Enchantment & Mythic Lore
in this Soul Nurturing Retreat

Our journey to Greece in 2024, takes us back in time to the mythic island of Ithaca. Susan adventured to the Island last September and found this remarkable jewel retreat surrounded by the Azure blue waters of the Ionaina Sea. We will land in Athens and take the ferry over to be held fir a week in the ancient resonant arms of the island.  Ithaca is the honored home of Homer’s hero, Odysseus and  home to the mythic pantheon of the Greek gods/ goddesses.  This stunning island retreat is built into the cliffs and reaches down to the ocean where we may take a morning dip into the blue and meditate on the beach. We will dine enjoying the local zest and splendor of the island’s Mediterranean Cuisine. Take an adventurous hike, swim, kayak, or explore the local tavernas and shops and so much more. Weaving ancient wisdom and myth of the Greek Island and its gods/goddesses we will connect to our own inner mythic nature while visiting this amazing land.


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Celebrating Mother: Yoga in the Stone Circle
9:30 AM09:30

Celebrating Mother: Yoga in the Stone Circle

The energy of "mother" is at the heart of the yoga practices as the energy you are made of. Come explore this inherent energy within as we celebrate the mothers that birthed us. If your mother is close by, bring her along, otherwise, you can hold her in your heart. Join Jeanie for a heart awakening session of gentle asana, heart openers in celebration of the Spring and Mother’s Day. All levels and all genders are welcomed.
Click here for more info and to register

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FREE LIVE EVENT: Awakening Shakti - 3-Week Mini Sisterhood Series
to Jan 25

FREE LIVE EVENT: Awakening Shakti - 3-Week Mini Sisterhood Series

Uncover Your Goddess Nature, confront your Shadow, and live your true purpose.

These 3 weeks will include topics like:

  • Which goddess energy resonates within you? Dive into a playful quiz that reveals your divine affinities. 

  • Together we will create a sister manifesto to uncover our deeper values 

  • Discover your bigger Why

  • How to experience spaciousness even in the midst of overwhelm

  • Bringing timelessness into relative time

Join a beautiful community of women for three Free live calls!.… >>Sign up for free here

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Women's Wellness for Winter: Supporting Body, Mind + Spirit Through the Holiday Season
9:00 AM09:00

Women's Wellness for Winter: Supporting Body, Mind + Spirit Through the Holiday Season

Our bodies are highly attuned to nature's flow. Adjusting our bodies through a winter practice will offer vitalty and immunity during the colder, winter months. We will discuss daily Ayurveda (ancient healing science of India) practices that will enhance your health, protect from viruses and colds and promote deeper rest. We will utilze longer slower holds with inversions and restorative postures as well as lead into silent meditation.

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 Yoga Retreat in Barcelona
to Nov 2

Yoga Retreat in Barcelona

  • Google Calendar ICS

We hope you can join us for a Yoga Retreat in Barcelona October 27 - November  2. The retreat will include daily yoga and opportunities to visit the sights of Barcelona. Following the retreat there is an opportunity to join the Anusara Yoga Gathering Nov 2-5. Study with renowned yoga teachers and meet yoga students from all other the world.

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2023 Fall Shakti Sadhana!
to Oct 23

2023 Fall Shakti Sadhana!

A three-week online program to reset and realign your sense of purpose and presence.

Through goddess lore and yogic lifestyle practice, you will be guided in a deeply transformative process to integrate the living practice of yoga into your daily life, including goddess wisdom, ayurvedic cleanse, plus LIVE yoga classes throughout the weeks (in person or online).

Each of the 21-days you will receive a video lesson with a tangible teaching and tool to apply during your sadhana. AND, share your practice with a community of soulful women, mutually committed to deepening and reconnecting during this sacred time.

>>Click here for full details

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Adventure Yoga
6:30 PM18:30

Adventure Yoga

The Adventure Yoga Summer Series in Boulder Canyon at the A-Lodge is back!
Jeanie will be teaching Thursday, Aug 24 at 6:30pm

• All classes at the A-Lodge in Boulder Canyon: 91 Fourmile Canyon Dr, Boulder, CO 80302
• Live DJ mix for each class provided by Dan Dasana
• Free drink after class provided by the A-Lodge tap (Kombucha or Beer)
• Stay for community hang out in the "Beer Garden" with more live music from Dan Dasana
• The FED food truck will be there every week (except July 13) to provide some delicious local and organic food for after class dinner and/or snacks!
>> Click here for more info and tickets.

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Free Puja + Sri Vidya Weekend Programs
to Aug 16

Free Puja + Sri Vidya Weekend Programs

Jeanie had the great opportunity while in India this year to meet and receive profound Shri Vidya teachings from the beautiful Devipuram sisters. Sri Jyotir puja is pure Sri (beauty)as this sacred ritual fills your soul inside and out as community gathers to create beauty with flowers, candles (light) reverberating mantra (Sound vibration).

She is so thrilled to be co-hosting @devipuram1 in her studio in Boulder this mid August! There will be a beginners Sri Vidya course plus potent ceremony to participate in.
Details & registration at

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Telluride Yoga Festival
to Jun 25

Telluride Yoga Festival

The Telluride Yoga Festival is a unique and special gathering unlike any other.  This inspirational 4-day event features over 100 offerings including yoga, meditation, music, hiking, dining, SUP yoga, social gatherings and more.  Find yourself deeply immersed with inspiring and motivating presenters in intimate venues with gorgeous & inspiring views…

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New Year’s Renewal ~ A Month of Yogic Lifestyle & 1:1 Support
to Feb 6

New Year’s Renewal ~ A Month of Yogic Lifestyle & 1:1 Support

Begin your New Year with a complete reset of your mind, body and spirit
with a Month of Yogic Lifestyle & 1:1 Support

This is the time to return to the lifestyle and practices that deeply resource you. Ayurvedic and Yogic Lifestyle practices, like asana, meditation and dinacharya (attuning with nature) are time-tested ways to reconnect with yourself and step into your future centered self with a sense of clarity, well-being, and renewed purpose.

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Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Italy
to Oct 8

Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Italy

“A Feast for the Senses in the Sacred Heart of Italy”

A Yoga & Meditation Retreat
Nestled in and looking over the rolling green hills of Umbria is Locanda del Gallo - a boutique country house immersed in nature and solitude ... A place for relaxation, reflection, connection, and time to restore from the stress of everyday life…

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Waking The Intuitive Body Retreat
to Aug 7

Waking The Intuitive Body Retreat

Join me and a wonderful group of sisters at the breathtaking Zen Mountain Center in Crestone, CO for a 5 day retreat in veneration of the Goddess Saraswati. Expect breathtaking mountain views, food prepared from the onsite organic garden, morning meditations, daily yoga asana, and spiritual practices.

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Unlimited Potential: Voicing the Power of your Shakti ~ A Summer Solstice Gathering & Celebration
6:00 PM18:00

Unlimited Potential: Voicing the Power of your Shakti ~ A Summer Solstice Gathering & Celebration

In this workshop, we will weave aligned vinyasa flow with the power of voice. Together with movement, embodied mythic lore, mudra, mantra, and chanting, we will open our hearts and throat chakras to move from a place of love. and breakthrough to our authentic, creative expression.

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